Manage your subscription
Check your subscription status and invoices
Check your invoice history
How to check your subscription invoices
I Upgraded My Plan... It didn't work!
My account is still on Hobby Plan...
Set or change a default payment method
The first payment method you add to EverBee becomes your default way to pay for all future purchases. You can follow these steps: 1. Go to this link 2. Tap on Profile 3. Click on Manage Billing *Please note that the "Manage Billing" and "Can...
How can I upgrade?
Here are quick steps that you can follow to upgrade your plan. 😊 Open EverBee sidebar Go to the section Pricing Plan Select the new plan Register your card details In case you face any issues with upgrading, please try upgrading through this lin...
Add or edit a payment method
You can add cards to pay your subscription.
Cancel your subscription
How to cancel your subscription...
Remove a payment method
Remove a payment method: Sign in to your account Tap on My profile > Manage billing Click on the payment method Tap in "..." Select "Delete" In case you need further help, feel free to contact us at 😊
Change Your Billing Address
How to update your billing address associated with a payment method
Will my subscription Auto-Renew?
For Monthly and Annual subscriptions
I was charged twice...
What should I do?
How can I downgrade?
Understanding the downgrading