As you may be aware, Gmail and Yahoo are introducing new email delivery rules by February 2024, focusing on enhancing user experience by reducing spam and promoting engaging content. As an Etsy seller using EverBee Email, you might be wondering how this affects you. Rest assured, we're here to clarify things for you.

Understanding the Changes: The new rules emphasize email engagement and complying with some technical aspects. The goal is to minimize spam and irrelevant content in users' inboxes.

How This Affects You:
Emails Sent Through EverBee Email: You send emails through our domains, not your personal ones. We've already taken steps to comply with these new rules, ensuring high deliverability and engagement rates for your emails.

Reply-To Address Flexibility: While you can set your reply-to address to your Gmail, Yahoo, or other email provider, the initial sending domain remains ours. Thus, the compliance responsibility primarily lies with us.

Quality Over Quantity: The focus now is more on the quality of the emails rather than quantity. As long as your emails are engaging and relevant to your buyers, they should continue to perform well.

What We're Doing For You:
Compliance Measures: We've updated our systems and processes to align with these new requirements, ensuring that your emails meet the necessary standards.
Regular Monitoring and Updates: We keep a close eye on these changes and will continuously update our practices to stay compliant.

Your Role:

Content is Key: Focus on creating compelling and relevant content for your audience. Personalized, valuable emails are more likely to engage your buyers.
Feedback and Adjustments: Pay attention to how your audience responds to your emails through open rate and click rate. This feedback is crucial for fine-tuning your email marketing strategies.

The new Gmail and Yahoo rules are all about enhancing the email experience for users. By sending emails through EverBee Email, you're already on the right track. Keep focusing on engaging content, and we'll handle the compliance and technicalities. Together, we can ensure your email marketing continues to thrive under these new rules.

Need More Assistance? If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to help you every step of the way. 😊